Category Archives: my cards

they grow to fast

My baby is slowly not so much a baby anymore. Where does the time go??? Really….where does it go? My little man is now 8 1/2 months old, feeding himself and not quite crawling but soo close. He can get around pretty good. Curious and very independent! Weird for a 3rd child?? It is for me! Oh and did I mention he also now has 2 teeth…compared to some hes slow on that front, but his two little chompers are just so cute!


Jaxon is doing good too! We have our first visit coming up next week with all the new doctors that will be involved with him for the next 10 years while he’s still in the pediatric program! It will be a long day but nice to have another thing under our belt with our move! Other than that he’s doing really well. Saying things that remind me how old he’s getting. Scary….

And Nolan…oh Nolan..what can I say about you? He’s growing like a weed, getting sooo tall.


(valentines day shirts)

The kids just had a week off school and Ma and Pa came for a visit! Was nice to have the company and soemone else to help me distract the kids while hubs was at work!! We didn’t do much but the time was so nice to have!! Now just to get back into our normal routine! Always a fun time!!


I’ve also been busy making cards. Had some orders to fill. Thank you so much to those people so far! Its been a great help to Jaxon’s camp fund!! We are a quarter of the way there now between the many epicure orders and card orders!! I’m really hoping that we are able to raise enough to get him there!! He’s really excited about it!!! Check out my facebook page for it



(found this card while unpacking some things…guess I was always a card maker)

Other than that, we are doing good. Adjusting still to the move…but mostly to the fact that theres no snow and its usually warm..well much warmer than what either of us are use to! And when it does snow it and automatic sliding day (if the dump is good enough)…


big ol’ 31

Well it has come around yet again..crazy how that happens…I’m officially into my 30’s. Feels great! Wouldn’t change a thing (well…..)

This morning I woke up to the best birthday ever. My boys coming to greet me with the birthday card they made. So sweet. Jaxon was sooo excited. He showed me each and every part of it what he did. My proud boy!

My sweet sweet husband made me cinnamon raisin scones. DELISH. All with a cup of coffee…

Tonight my husband got a sitter for the kids, made a reservation to someplace (keep you posted once I know), has a beautiful lemon cake waiting for me with some friends! It’s a great day! I feel ever soooo blessed…Happy Birthday to me!

card challenges

So every once and a while I like to participate in card challenges…I enjoy doing it, keeps me creative with some guidelines! This weekend they had a virtual stamp night on the Splitcoast website!  So take a peek at my cards I made!!!

This is a card that I did at the previous vns challenge they had back in January! I actually won and was chosen for the honorary gallery!

We shall see how this one goes…I must say there are a ton of beautiful cards! Wouldn’t want to be the one who had to judge them!!  Good luck to everyone!

card creations

So I’ve been busy working hard on cards as of late. I will be selling some at a flower shop here in the city, so I’m pretty excited. I’ve made lots of your typical valentines days cards pink red and sparkly and thought I would show you some of my not so traditional takes on cards! Hearts yes, colors now! (well one traditional one for good luck!!) Hope you enjoy and please feel free to contact me if you are interested in purchasing one for your hunny!  Happy day all!


nothin much

I must say I’m enjoying my boring life. It’s been a while since I can tell you that there is not a whole lot going on other than day to day things. Jaxon is doing great, not issues at all with his neck since his last surgery! What an answer to prayer that is for sure!! He had a check up at the doc (plus his 5 year shots)…asked if we could go and see the eye doc again. I’ve noticed his eye turning in more and more these days. Just want to make sure that it’s not impacting how he sees the world! Nolan is doing great too…he’s finally decided to stop crying when I drop him off at nursery school. Not he just cries when I pick him up. Funny how that changed.  He’s usually upset cause all the other kids get to take home a picture but he never wants to stop playing long enough to make one himself…funny kid!

The snow has finally arrived in our beautiful city!  The day it came Nolan so badly wanted to go out and help daddy shovel….we hadn’t picked up any winter boots or ski pants for the poor kid..once we did that he would find the biggest snow pile to walk in! Oh how they love the snow!!

Well I haven’t been up to much these days. Just getting ready for the Spina Bifida Christmas party this weekend! Going to be a ton of fun! My boys LOVE to bowl!  So to prepare for that I’ve been making some cards as a donation prize! I’m pretty happy with how the set turned out! Also did moms group this week! I’ve been on such a card making roll I love it!! So fun! Here a couple card pics for you!

goings on

Two great things today. Aaron started back at work and Jaxon was discharged from nursing! YAY! But there is still this uneasy feeling flowing through me. We should be jumping up and down for joy cause this is what we have been praying for, but then comes that feeling…feeling of things are not settle yet. I don’t really know how to describe it in words but this journey is not over yet. *sigh*

Had parent teacher interviews with Jaxon…that boy I tell ya! He’s doing good in school for the most part…few things to work on and the biggest one being so easily distracted. More so than the other kids in his class according to his teacher. And we’ve been noticing it a home more and more and more…any suggestions on how to improve this would be much appreciated. It has not yet affected his school work so the teachers are not worried…they seem to be more worried about his walking and such. But I am. He has a very uniqueness about him, he doesn’t have a lot of reaction. Mind you there have been many consequences as of late so more tears have have been flowin!

I’ve been on a card making kick the past few days. Good stress relief from life. Trying to come up with a fun one for moms group…might have to go buy some new Christmas paper to help with the creativity progress 🙂 Heres a few that I’ve made recently!

……Our church also did this “guess who’s coming to dessert” you either host or attend the gathering. The hosts tell how many people they would like and the guests get an address (and phone number in case they get lost) Aaron and I decided to host this year. It was sooo much fun getting to meet new people and connect It gave me a chance to test out some of my epicure products in a new way! Heres a few pics of that too!

……….And for now that sums up our life…I’m getting ready for my holiday rush (if you can call it that) of epicure parties, and card orders! And of course enjoying this beautiful +15 weather we are having!

And due to this nice weather, I will soon have some fun outdoor family photos to share!